The April birthstone is the Diamond. The name ‘Diamond’ is derived from the ancient Greek world adámas , for ‘proper’, ‘unbreakable’, ‘unalterable’, ‘invincible’ or ‘untamed’, reflecting its unyielding quality and endurance. The diamond is perhaps the most explored gemstone in the world, with gemologists, miners, consumers and wearers studying its qualities to duplicate and enhance this natural wonder. The diamond has long been associated with love, bonding, relationships, commitments and loyalty. A gemstone of lover’s, the diamond has been used in the creation of exquisite engagement rings and jewelry since the times of old. This gemstone is believed to bestow balance, clarity and abundance on the wearer, we well as bring wealth, health and happiness to the home of its bearer. Diamonds are traditionally colorless or white. This is the most desired state of the stone and also the rarest. Because of the way Diamonds form...